“That’s ridiculous,” “You’re crazy,” or that look you received when you were 17 and told your uncle you were going to be rich…

Doubt from loved ones can create a fear of failure in you. This reaction from the people you hold most dear can leave you feeling helpless, alone and scared of what comes next. The unspoken message is: “Whatever gave you the idea that you are good enough?.” Negative self-talk, or even entertaining the opinions of others, robs you of your motivation and is the inner hurdle to your success.

Are you afraid of humiliation, being abandoned, poverty? What will it take for you to get off the bench and become the human you truly want to become? What’s preventing you from speaking up and letting the world know that you’re an amazing person, and given the chance you’ll prove just how unstoppable you really are?

Do you REALLY want to go through your life without getting actively involved 1,000%?

Maybe it’s because you believe you might fail, or even fear of succeeding (which is an entire other conversation). Is it possible that you allow a counter productive and negative vocabulary to dominate your thoughts?

But what do you do if you feel you can't take action?

Sometimes we're just not able to attack something head on. It seems just too big. Overcoming fear is just a wall that needs to be knocked down in order for you to grow.

Below are 6 ways to work through fear. Use them to empower yourself to make change and get unstuck:

1.     TAKE ONE STEP- Afraid of something that seems massive and overwhelming? Break down that big mountain into smaller, bite-sized chunks. Start by doing a small thing. If you want to make 100 calls, make one. Better yet just bring the phone to you, then open it, then dial the number, then press talk. Not everything requires you to rip the band-aid off all at once. Then challenge yourself by speeding up the process until you Close the Loop™. If you can complete it once, you can replicate it. Actually, accomplishing something once can give you a sense of freedom and courage that can get you moving in the right direction.

2.     BE YOUR OWN BADASS– “Embrace the suck” as they say in the military and continually tell yourself that you welcome all challenges. Stand ready and willing to challenge yourself regardless of what you believe you can do. Move to the insanity level in your self-talk communication by believing you are truly unstoppable! Some people find a superhero to become, a role model that embodies where you want to be, take on the qualities you need to conquer your obstacle. If you’re broke, become Warren Buffet or Ray Dalio! If you need to break through a physical wall become Mohammed Ali, Connor McGregor or Iron Mike Tyson.

3.     SEE IT HAPPENING – Visualization is the technique of using your own imagination to see and create the outcome you desire. Using visualization as a self-improvement technique and as a method to combat fear is powerful. Imagine that you are overcoming your fear and taking action moving towards your ideal situation. Continually see yourself developing. Run the scenario over and over again in your head until it is like breathing. See yourself dominating your fear. Believe and truly feel that you are the only one that can accomplish your goal. Your mindset impacts the way you feel and the more familiar you get with what must be accomplished, your fear of failure moves further away.

4.     YOU ARE NOT UNIQUE - How many people go through exactly what you are going through that day. Many of the business and sports stars we idolize (less the Instagram Influencers) have experienced the same difficulty you are currently working through. Read someone’s story and understand that their fear parallels your own. If their fear can be yours than so can their victory.

5.     YOUTUBE > FEAR - Many times we fear the unknown more than anything. In many instances, getting familiar with your subject or situation can make it seem less threatening. Actively devote some screen time to watching Youtube videos on the subject. Knowledge is not only power, it is control. Besides Youtube there are a ton of education platforms like Udemy, Teachable and Skillshare. Take a class or read a book. A class or certificate program will let you learn the topic and erase any murky corners that may inspire fear or anxiety. Whatever the roadblock is, you can learn your way past it.

6.     BATMAN AND ROBIN EVERYTHING - Yes, the buddy system works. Find a friend that you can confide in about your fear and tell them you need their help conquering it. Your choice needs to be a supportive person who will not judge you and has more interest in your success and growth than the outcome. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a friend but must be someone you can communicate clearly with. A voice in your corner is the difference between staying down and getting back up!

Believe that whatever you set out to accomplish, you will ultimately win and give it 100%. Providing excuses prevents you from providing solutions. Overcoming fear gives you a learning experience that you can’t receive any other way. Deciding to take action and move forward is the first step towards freeing yourself of the fear that confines you.

PS - I wrote this Pre-Covid19 pandemic. I can appreciate the fear we all encountered globally and will never dismiss or minimize that. But fear can be conquered in any situation by anyone. I hope this helps. More to come on the subject.