Business Books in Disguise – 6ish Hidden Gems

I heard some place that reading is the way Humans input new software into their hard drives. Absolutely a fact! Constantly and consistently reading furnishes your mind a rhythm of thought. Whether it’s the Canon of Classical Literature or a dystopian vampire reverse harem romance (totally a real thing), it puts a complex neural system to work. If you are in business, you get to think faster and know more. It gives imagination to strategy.

Here are 6 books that you probably haven’t read for business that you ought to read for business.

THE MILLIONAIRE MESSENGER BY BRENDON BURCHARD – Work engulfs us. Forgetting our keys, a meeting, to send an email is literally part of a daily push forward. We should never forget to share our message. Our struggles have meaning. Sharing your voice should be part of your mission. It does not automatically have to be the driving force, but it should have a place in your route to success. Branding aside, humanity will completely benefit from your story.

WHAT TO DO WHEN ITS YOUR TURN BY SETH GODIN – #readsethgodin. I’m a big fan of anyone who applies the bell curve to their life’s work (Quote: “at least half of them [his blog posts] are below average!”). Through sharp bits of writing and eclectic artistry, Seth shows you why It is always your turn. Fear melts but work stays. Keep working, keep producing, keep sharing, FEARLESSLY. 

EXTREME OWNERSHIP BY JOCKO WILLINK + YOU CAN’T HURT ME BY DAVID GOGGINS – Make it a Navy SEAL weekend! I put these two together because you must read them. It ends up being the most useful 600 pages of “Fix all your Shit NOW!” you will ever encounter. If you are not at least 1% more badass or focused afterwards, REREAD! These two men walk through top 3 life lessons, 1. Responsibility to Others, 2. Self-Transformation and 3. True Determination by Changing Perspective. There are business and leadership gems in here that will immediately affect your acumen and urgency of action.

ANY COOKBOOK – With a nod to Tim Ferris, who crushed the 4-Hour Chef, pick up a cookbook. Cooking awakens the sense but also teaches temperament, timing, task coordination and if you are like me, living with not being amazing at your first attempt. Navigating a shopping list to working with sharp objects are lessons that always fire the synapses. Seeing (and tasting) the direct consequences of your actions tie process together in an ultra-useful way. Note: You should be able to master 2 meals, breakfast, and lunch. Dinner can always be cereal.

THE GIVING TREE BY SHEL SILVERSTEIN – Without truly giving away the ending, we all need love in our lives. To be loved unconditionally and to love unconditionally do make you a better person. Being a better person makes you a better leader, a better employee, and a dynamic business owner. The monumental humans among us are both deeply flawed and deeply compassionate. You can only be the latter when you sincerely understand what it is to give it all.