Building Happiness

I love what I do. I also decide what I do.

The freedom of being an independent contractor and business owner is an amazing feeling. The level of freedom and personal direction you feel almost always out weights the responsibility and stress of being responsible for everything.

Funny thing is, I was also happy working at every job I worked in (even one I got fired from, selling DJ T-shirts. Charlez I owe you and love you forever!). I think deep down you know your being called to do something larger than your current station but that does not mean you can’t literally be happy exactly where you are.  

Happiness is a choice. You need to choose to be happy.

How did I do it?

Play your strengths + Master 1 thing – This helped me be happy, healthy, and indispensable. If you are good with people and enjoy solving complex problems, find the area of your role that involves speaking (play your strengths) to people and double down. Then find the one thing in your job or company that you want to totally own. Figure it out and make a game of being the best. Happiness can be fed by being entertained.

Take charge of your own professional development. – Don’t get rocked to sleep!  You can close your eyes and 4 years can pass. Intellectual Complacency is death.  You can grow and learn as much as you want at your current job. I was always enrolled in some certificate class or attending educational seminars. They were fun, educational and social. (Real Estate folks PARTY…) Create a specific plan about what you want to achieve and commit to picking up new skills. Making friends and learning, total win.  

Listen-Listen-Listen!  - Listen to your boss, your customers, and your co-workers. They are all amazing people with amazing stories. Appreciate them and learn from them. If you’re a cog, you’ll feel like a cog. Connect to the people around you in a genuine (not creepy) way.

In conclusion, you can be happy if you choose to be.

If everything is unsuccessful it is probably time to re-evaluate your life, your attitude and/or employer.

Choose today!